See all KIMEP KSA candidates own submissions here.

The KIMEP Voice wants to give candidates for the KIMEP Student Association a platform seeking office in the November elections. Candidates are can present a video, write up to 300 words, or both explaining why their fellow students should vote for them. The material can be fun, serious, or anything that is in support of the candidate including endorsements by other students.

However, the KIMEP Voice will not publish any material that adopts or uses an derogatory comments, innuendo or otherwise about another KIMEP student or opponent. If it is accepted or rejected, the candidate will be notified.

To submit your written piece, video or both, please bring the material to Valikhanov 403 and your student ID. The written piece is allowed one photo and that photo should be of only the candidate. Group endorsements or ballot slates can be submitted, but require all members to confirm their endorsement of all other candidates in the KIMEP office. Please give the KIMEP Voice staff 24 hours to evaluate the material and determine it conforms to the rules outlined above.

By Scott Burgess

Editor-in-Chief Former journalist, now journalism assistant professor.