Aitbek Amageldi at the guest lecture (Photo made by Yasmin Saulebay)

It was standing room only for KIMEP students and faculty attending Aitbek Amangeldi’s lecture “Self-confidence through belief in oneself” on Sept. 10. 

Even though the topic of the lecture was self-confidence believing in oneself, the topic quickly turned to domestic violence.Amangeldi was the brother of Saltanat Nukenova, the murdered wife of Kuandyk Bishimbayev, a businessman and former economy minister. Bishimbayev was charged with killing Nukenova and the trial was live-streamed in Kazakhstan.

Crowd at the Aitbek Amangeldi guest lecture (Photo made by Yasmin Saulebay)

Amangeldi was a key witness for the prosecution in the heavily viewed trial that led to Bishimbayev being sentenced to 24 years in prison for murdering and torturing Nukenova. 

The trial which included graph video footage of Bishimbayev repeatedly hitting and kicking Nukenova created a pivotal moment for activists and politicians, leading to the Kazakh government passing a new law to bolster women and children’s rights and safety, though it does not explicitly make domestic violence a crime. 

Amangeldi spoke for about 15 minutes about the importance of self-confidence and his own life experience. He shared his emotions and feelings during the trial highlighting how teamwork and self-belief and confidence are important for achieving goals. 

Aitbek has a bachelor degree in finance from KIMEP, but has been working in IT for several years. Amangeldi also added that he plans to study law, specifically human rights, in a very near future.

The Q&A session was full of questions and words of thanks to Amangeldi for his contribution in changing the law on domestic violence.

One of the KIMEP faculty Aigerim Mussabalinova asked about lack of students on such disciplines as human rights and generally preferring business law.

“Child and women’s rights advocacy is less profitable compared to business law,” said Amangeldi. “Financial aspect is crucial in decision making in our country.” 

According to the United Nation’s website, gender-based violence leads to the death of about 400 women in Kazakhstan every year, yet only 40 % of those cases make it to court. Following the conviction of Bishimbayev Amangeldi has come to be known as an advocate for women’s and children’s rights.

Elmira Kabiyeva, KIMEP Career Center Coordinator (Photo made by Yasmin Saulebay)

Gulazor Mamadrizokhonova, a third year student majoring in International Relations, said that she generally liked the lecture and the Q&A session.

“Aitbek is raising awareness of the domestic violence problem which is very important not only for Kazakhstan, but for all Central Asian countries,” she said.

Elmira Kabiyeva, KIMEP Career Center coordinator said that the lecture was good, but she was upset that none of male attendees did not ask a question.

“There were so many people in the hall, but all questions are asked by girls. Male students should also participate in discusiion.”

Kabiyeva added that all KIMEP students have an opportunity to attend Leandership Development Program guest lectures almost every week.

By Tomiris Mukhamediyar

Reporter / Photographer Third year, majoring in public relations

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